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Perbedaan Teknologi 1G, 2G, 2.5G, 3G, 3.5G, 4G Dan 5G bagian Enam

Selamat Beraktifitassaya melanjukan dari bagian Lima. mari kita kanjutkan.

Dan, tanpa secara optimal menikmati teknologi 3G dan 4G, di seberang jalan orang-orang sudah mulai membicarakan teknologi 5G! Anda merasa gila dibuatnya membayangkan seperti apa wujud ponsel di masa teknologi 5G. Karena Anda paham paradigma teknologi ada kemampuan reduksi wujud fisik, lamunan Anda terbawa ke masa depan. Saat itu seorang eksekutif muda yang hendak masuk ke mobilnya bergumam seolah bicara dengan orang lain melalui alat komunikasi. Anda sadari bentuk ponselnya tidak digenggam, tetapi di pergelangan tangan layaknya jam tangan! Di telinganya terselip handsfree berteknologi Bluetooth. Untuk menghubungi seseorang ia cukup bergumam pelan mengucapkan nama orang yang hendak dihubungi. Demikian juga untuk mengirimkan pesan teks dan multimedia. Tapi yang lalu Anda lihat terdapat seutas kabel menjulur dari ponsel tersebut ke arah benda mirip koper kerja yang ia genggam di tangan kirinya. Akhirnya Anda sadar sepenuhnya koper kerja tersebut ternyata sebuah baterai!
Inti dari kisah ini sebenarnya imajinasi dan pemikiran kreatif yang hendaknya membawa pada inovasi teknologi ponsel di masa depan yang lebih canggih. Karena batas teknologi adalah imajinasi dan mimpi. Sesuatu yang dianggap tidak mungkin saat ini karena tidak penjelasan logis tasnya. Awalnya adalah imajinasi yang tanpa sadar dan tidak sadar membawa kita pada kehadirannya yang nyata. Bukankah imajinasi dan keinginan menjadi terdahulu sebelum kita merasakan yang sesungguhnya? Hal ini mengingatkan saya pada ucapan Albert Einsten. Ia katakan imagination is more important than knowledge. Ah, baiklah saya ingin berujar- berimajinasi, “Halo, bisa saya bicara dengan teknologi 5G?

GPRS (General Packet Radio Service)
A Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) initiative to deliver high speed packet data services to mobile terminals. GPRS allows many users to share the same channel and allows users to stay virtually 'on line' all of the time; radio resources are used only when data is actually being transmitted or received. Call setup is almost instantaneous and users may be charged on the basis of actual data transmitted, rather than connection time. Sometimes defined as GSM Packet Radio Service.

EDGE (Enhanced Data rate for Global Evolution)
A technology (also known as GSM++) that allows Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) operators to use existing GSM radio bands to offer wireless multimedia IP-based services and applications at speeds of 384 kbps with a bit-rate of 48 kbps per timeslot and up to 69.2 kbps per timeslot under ideal radio conditions. (A more realistic theoretical limit is 59.2 kbps per timeslot). The 384 kbps prediction is from an International Telecommunication Union (ITU)-defined objective in the ITU2000 standard. EDGE is fully based on GSM and requires relatively small changes to network hardware and software. For example, EDGE uses the same time division multiple access (TDMA) frame structure, logic channel, and 200-kHz carrier bandwidth as today's GSM networks, allowing existing cell plans to remain intact. Formerly called Enhanced Data rate for GSM Evolution.
What that means in simple English is that when you connect to the internet via your mobile phone, if EDGE is available, sites should appear (data download to your phone) faster than just standard 
In theory EDGE is twice the speed of GPRS. You might see a small icon on your phone screen that indicates that GPRS and/or EDGE is operating. There's no need to add special settings to your connection.

3G (third generation wireless)
3G is an ITU specification for the third generation of mobile communications technology. (Analog cellular was the first generation; Digital PCS the second.) 3G uses the Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) standard. Key features of 3G systems are a high degree of commonality of design worldwide, compatibility of services, use of small pocket devices with worldwide roaming capability, Internet and other multimedia applications, and a wide range of services and devices.
The main difference between 2.5G and 3G wireless is the rate at which data can be transferred. Planned rates are: 144 kbps or higher in high mobility (vehicular) traffic, 384 kbps for pedestrian traffic, and 2 Mbps or higher in fixed applications or for indoor traffic. The EDGE (Enhanced Data rates for Global Evolution) air interface was developed specifically to meet the bandwidth needs of 3G.

3.5G - HSPA (High-Speed Packet Access) offered by some mobile operators, requires a special modem, built into some notebooks and also available as a USB dongle. Speeds up to 3.6 Mbps.

HSDPA(High-Speed Downlink Packet Access) boosts speeds to as much as 7.2 Mbps, with 14.4 Mbps speeds possible in the near future.
HSDPA is five times faster than EDGE and ten times faster than GPRS.

4G - Digital broadband packet data all IP (Wi-Fi, WIMAX, LTE) 3-5 Mbps

5G - Gigabit per second - for the future : 1+ Gbps


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