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4 Characteristic Factors


Characteristic Factors of defects in bolt tightening


remember 4 M's

1. MAN


Man or human factors (also known as ergonomics) is the study of how humans behave physically and psychologically in relation to particular environments, products, or services. Many large manufacturing companies have a Human Factors department or hire a consulting firm to study how any major new product will be accepted by the users that it is designed for. A human factors specialist typically has an advanced academic degree in Psychology or has special training. sourceIn Case Making in Characteristic Factors of defects in bolt tightening
- Missed Tightening
- Improper Tightening tool Usage

Next Number Two

methods are the physical actions employed to perform a task. Evaluating and modifying work methods to prevent discomfort and injury is one of several components of an effective ergonomics program. Work methods are also called work practices. sourceMethod is very necessary
So the method include Characteristic Factors of defects in bolt tightening
- Wrong Tightening Value specification
- Wrong Tightening Procedure
- Wrong Tightening tool selection

and Number Three

what meaning Machine Fastener.
The power and reliability of an automobile engine greatly depends on the quality of its fasteners. A piston moves at enough speed to damage many adjoining components and the only thing holding it in place is a series of fasteners. Likewise, a cylinder bore can apply thousands of pounds of pressure against the cylinder head, meaning the head bolts must be strong enough to withstand enormous force in order to keep the combustion chamber functioning. Without these fasteners in place, a car engine would literally fall apart.In automotive manufacturing, it’s very important to ensure fasteners are in good working condition and are properly installed. Some of the central considerations in engine bolt assembly are choosing a design capable of tolerating specific loads, applying an exact amount of tightening and compression, and anticipating the degree of bolt stretching involved in a particular application. By addressing these fastener concerns, manufacturers and mechanics can help prevent costly engine malfunctions and ensure that a car runs reliably. Source
Every Machine must have a bolt. So the mechine in  Characteristic Factors of defects in bolt tightening.
- Inaccuracy
- Mechanical Failure

and the last four

talk about different grades and types of bolt materials.
I have an array here of different types of materials. I want to go through the materials first and give them the magnetic test. So, I have a magnet here to show you. So first I have a 316 stainless, which is this one here, I have a 18-8 stainless, a brass hex cap screw and a silicon bronze hex cap screw, this is hot-dip galvanized, this is a plain grade eight or better zinc plated hex cap screw, another zinc hex cap screw but in a different grade, so this is just a standard grade, but I'll go through the grades in a second, and I have a grade 8 yellow zinc coated (hex cap screw). I just want to give these a magnet test, so you can see some are magnetized others are not. sourceMany kinds material clafikation, so the material very influensial.
- Part out of tolerance
- Defective part materials
- Insufficient screw part lubricant

Thanks for read


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